1. Data Collection
This part describes a collection of data (low altitude precision photos) from drone with help of AVISION Mission Planner - a mobile application for managing drones. Special “Grid Low Altitude Mission” of mobile Mission Planner allows to mostly automate part of data collection for Plants Density Reports. Lets see how it works.
To start use of AVISION Mission Planner, you need to send the order for the usage of a mobile application to support@skyglyph.com.. Order should consist of such information: name of company, name of contact employee, type of usage (trail or commersial), period of usage, number of users. Orders accepted only from companies.
AVISION Mission Planner available only for iOS
After you install AVISION Mission Planner on your mobile device, please follow instructions to use it for data collection:
STEP 1.1 Launch AVISION Mission Planner.Attention: for corporate users: you need to switch from personal workspace to organization profile in the upper left corner selectorMobile Application Home Screen displays current location, no-fly zones, Environment widget, and other important airspace information Click | |
STEP 1.2. Select new Flight PlanSelect the “New Flight Plan” option to create a mapping mission | |
STEP 1.3. Select mission typeSelect “Inspection” type of mission | |
STEP 1.4. Flight Plan parameters1.4.1. Enter Name for the Flight Plan 1.4.2. Verify default settings. We recommend setting altitude 10-12m depending on the vegetation stage 1.4.3. Click the “Create Flight Plan” button | |
STEP 1.5. Field boundaries drawingTap and hold to add waypoints as boundaries for the new Mission that will be used to calculate the grid for mapping missions Usually, the boundaries of Mission matches with borders of your field | |
STEP 1.6 Grid adjustment1.6.1. Tap on the button to review or customize grid details if needed and click to apply the changes | |
1.6.2. You can adjust grid details:
| |
1.6.3. Tap on the button (step 6) to review the terrain awareness indicator | |
STEP 1.7. Connect mobile deviceConnect iOS / Android device with the Drone via cable. Environment widget will provide connectivity details and will display the status of drone connection (e.g. battery, GPS count, etc.) | |
STEP 1.8. Start MissionClick the button to upload the mission and click “Start” to confirm that you are ready to start the automated operation | |
STEP 1.9 Mission Details Review.Once the Operation is completed, the logs and other Operation details will be available for review via the main menu “Flight Plans” under the “Activity” tab. Your photos are placed on the flesh card of the drone |
2. Crop Density (Population) Report generation
2.1 Create Asset
To Create a New asset, press the button
2.2. Create or Import field border
2.2.1 Please, draw the border of the field on the map. You also may import KML, KMZ, SHP files. After finishing,
2.2.2 Save your work
2.2.3 Then, create Mission by
2.3. Create Mission
In the below window:
2.3.1. Select “Aerial” type of Mission
2.3.2. Optionally, enter the name of Mission. By default current date is the name of mission
2.3.3. Select sensor type
2.3.4. Chose scouting date
2.3.5. Press
2.4. Fill specific properties of Mission and Save
2.4.1. Optionally you may fill Drone, stage of growth, description, and add tags
2.4.2. Press the button
2.5. Upload photos into Mission
2.5.1. Press the link at the bottom of the screen
2.5.2. Select the distance between photos (1m by default) in the dialog window
2.5.3. Select images from the system dialog window and start uploading photos
2.5.4. You can review every point in the list after uploading is finished:
2.6. Report Generation
2.6.1. Press in the Mission window:
2.6.2. Select “Create Density Report”:
2.6.3. Fill out the form:
Enter Row distance (in cm) between rows
Select Crop type
2.6.4. Press the button :
2.6.5. Set the name, select the date of the report, and press the button "Generate"
2.7. Report getting and Analysis
2.7.1. After the report will be finished, you get a notification by email
7.2 Review and analyze report: