1. Data collection
You can use your smartphone or camera for photo collection to build Density Report in your field. There are some conditions you need to follow:
- Your photos have to be geotagged. Make sure that your camera set geotags into photos.
- You have to use a chess calibration table. Please, download it by link Chessboard Calibration Table. Also, follow these recommendations for handling the table
- stick the chessboard on thick cardboard
- do not wrap the chessboard in film or other transparent wrappers.
- try to put the chessboard in a strictly horizontal position relative to the ground
- Try to keep your smartphone/camera parallel to the ground
It looks pretty simple: place a chess calibration table on the ground in the camera coverage area and take a picture.
The more pictures you collect, the more precise result you get. We recommend printing this Chessboard calibration table and stick on cardboard for rigidity.
How to enable geotagging in Android:
To capture geotagged photos with an Android smartphone, you'll need to enable location services for the camera app. Here's how you can do it:
Turn on Location Services:
Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
Tap on Location or Security & location, depending on the version of Android.
Toggle on the switch for Use location or Location access.
After that, under the list of apps, ensure that your camera app is allowed to access your location.
Enable Geotagging in the Camera App:
Open the Camera app.
Tap on the Settings icon (usually a gear icon).
Look for an option that says Location tags, Geotagging, Save location, or something similar. This option might be under Advanced settings or a similar category, depending on your phone.
Toggle on the switch for the location tag setting.
Now, whenever you take a photo, your location will be saved with the image data. This information can be viewed in the photo details or using software that can read EXIF data (the metadata stored with images).
How to enable geotagging in iOS devices
Taking geotagged photos with an iOS device like an iPhone or iPad is fairly straightforward. Here's how you can enable location services for your camera:
Turn on Location Services:
Open the Settings app on your iOS device.
Scroll down and tap on Privacy.
Tap on Location Services.
Ensure that the switch next to Location Services at the top is toggled on (it should be green).
Enable Location Access for the Camera App:
Still within Location Services, scroll down until you see Camera.
Tap on Camera, and then select While Using the App or Always, depending on your preference.
Now, when you take photos, your location will be saved with the image data. This geolocation information can be viewed in the photo details or using software that can read EXIF data (the metadata stored with images).
2. Crop Density Report generation
2.1 Create Asset
To Create a New asset, press the button in the List of Assets:
2.2. Create or Import field border
2.2.1 After the Asset is created, move to the Map tab and draw the field's border on the map. Use the button to find your field location by name or GPR coordinates in format :latitude,longitude
You also may import KML, KMZ, and SHP files:
After finishing, save you work by
2.3. Create Mission
2.3.1. In the same window above, press
2.3.2 In the below window:
Select “Ground” type of Mission and enter the following data in the fields that appear:
2.3.3. Optionally, enter the name of the Mission. By default, the current date is the name of the mission
2.3.4. Change the scouting date if it is needed
2.3.5. Press
2.4. Upload photos into Mission
2.4.1. Press the link ADD POIS PHOTOS in the section "Files" of the below window:
2.4.2 After that, select and upload your files:
2.4.4. You can review every point in the list after uploading is finished:
2.5. Report Generation
2.5.1. Press and select "Create density report" in the Mission window:
2.5.2. Fill out the form:
Select Crop type
Press the button NEXT
2.5.5. Set the name, select the date of the report, and press the button "Generate"
2.6 Report Getting and Analysis
2.6.1. After the report is finished, you can review and analyze the report: